The Parable of Arable Land de The Red Crayola (1967) est un album psychédélique expérimental pionnier. Mélangeant rock, bruitages et improvisations sonores chaotiques, il explore des territoires musicaux radicaux. Accompagnés de "The Familiar Ugly" (un collectif de musiciens), le groupe défie les conventions avec une approche libre et avant-gardiste du son.
The Parable of Arable Land by The Red Crayola (1967) is a pioneering experimental psychedelic album. Blending rock, sound effects and chaotic sonic improvisations, it explores radical musical territories. Accompanied by “The Familiar Ugly” (a collective of musicians), the band defies convention with a free, avant-garde approach to sound.
1. Free Form Freak-Out Hurricane Fighter Plane
2. Free Form Freak-Out Transparent Radiation
3. Free Form Freak-Out War Sucks
1. Free Form Freak-Out Free Form Freak-Out Pink Stainless Tail
2. Free Form Freak-Out Parable Of Arable Land
3. Free Form Freak-Out Former Reflections Enduring Doubt