Maceo Parker, né en 1943 en Caroline du Nord, a rejoint James Brown à 19 ans avec son frère Melvin. En 1970, ils quittent Brown pour former leur propre groupe, révolutionnant le funk avec leur album Doing Their Own Thing. Malgré des tentatives de suppression, l'album est désormais reconnu.
Maceo Parker, born in 1943 in North Carolina, joined James Brown at the age of 19 with his brother Melvin. In 1970, they left Brown to form their own group, revolutionising funk with their album Doing Their Own Thing. Despite attempts to suppress it, the album is now recognised.
1. Maceo
2. Got To Getcha
3. Southwick
4. Funky Women
1. Shake Baby (Keep On Shakin’ It)
2. Better Half
3. Don’t Waste This world Away
4. Mag-Poo
5. (I Remember) Mr Banks