Eddie Holman, chanteur de Deep Soul vénéré, né à Norfolk en 1946, tire son inspiration de son éducation religieuse. "United" met en avant son style vocal complexe, avec des musiciens expérimentés du Sigma Sound Studio de Philadelphie. Ses propres compositions explorent des émotions intemporelles, des ballades soul aux rythmes funky. ÉDITION LIMITÉE À 1.000 EXEMPLAIRES EN VINYLE COUCHÉ DE SOLEIL TRANSPARENT
Eddie Holman, revered Deep Soul singer born in Norfolk in 1946, draws inspiration from his religious upbringing. "United" showcases his complex vocal style, with experienced musicians from Philadelphia's Sigma Sound Studio. His own compositions explore timeless emotions, from soulful ballads to funky rhythms. LIMITED EDITION 1.000 COPIES IN TRANSLUCENT SUNSET VINYL
1. United
2. Eternal Love
3. Give It All To The Lord
4. I Asked Jesus
1. Thank You For Saving Me
2. Holy Ghost
3. Breathe On Me Lord