"There Are But Four Small Faces" est le troisième album studio du groupe britannique Small Faces, sorti en 1967. Cet album illustre l'évolution du style musical du groupe, mêlant des éléments de rock, de psychédélisme et de rhythm and blues. Des morceaux comme "Itchycoo Park" et "Tin Soldier" sont devenus des succès emblématiques, définissant le son de l'époque. Avec ses compositions innovantes et ses performances énergiques, "There Are but Four Small Faces" reste un classique du rock britannique des années 1960, témoignant de l'influence durable du groupe sur le paysage musical de l'époque.
"There Are but Four Small Faces" is the third studio album by the British band Small Faces, released in 1967. This album showcases the band's evolving musical style, blending elements of rock, psychedelia, and rhythm and blues. Tracks like "Itchycoo Park" and "Tin Soldier" became iconic hits, defining the sound of the era. With its innovative songwriting and energetic performances, "There Are But Four Small Faces" remains a classic of 1960s British rock, demonstrating the band's enduring influence on the music landscape of the time.
1. Itchycoo Park
2. Talk To You
3. Up The Wooden Hills To Bedfordshire
4. My Way Of Giving
5. I’m Only Dreaming
6. I Feel Much Better
7. Tin Soldier
8. Get Yourself Together
9. Show Me The Way
10. Here Come The Nice
11. Green Circles
12. (Tell Me) Have You Ever Seen Me)
13. Eddie’ Dreaming (Take 4, Mix 1)
14. Get Yourself Together (Early Mix)
15. Show Me The Way (Take 5, Alt Mix)
16. (Tell Me) Have You Ever Seen Me (Alternate Take Stereo)
1. Itchycoo Park
2. Talk To You
3. Up The Wooden Hills To Bedfordshire
4. My Way Of Giving
5. I’m Only Dreaming
6. I Feel Much Better
7. Tin Soldier
8. Get Yourself Together
9. Show Me The Way
10. Here Come The Nice
11. Green Circles
12. (Tell Me) Have You Ever Seen Me
13. Tin Soldier (TV Backing Track)
14. Here Come The Nice (USA Version)
15. Green Circles (Take 1 Alternate Mix 2)
D'autres types n'ont pas la clarté du greffon est l'utilisation du lecteur en eux qui les rend lumière.